Thursday, August 21, 2008

What's In Your Emergency Bag???

When I got married, I had no idea how much I would rely on my amazing bridesmaids. I like to think that I'm prepared for anything but boy was I glad my best friends were there to help out that day. Things were going great while getting ready for the ceremony... until I needed scissors, a safety pin, clear nail polish, and a swiss army knife (long story involving the mother's candles). Lucky for me, my bridesmaids had gone out a few days before and assembled an Emergency Bag with everything we might need! They had pins, polish, and scissors ready to go!

In a Vera Bradley handbag the girls had collected everything from bobby pins, to pain killers. They were so thoughtful and creative about every possible situation we might have to endure! I couldn't have been more grateful! In their kit they packed:

bobby pins
safety pins
IB Profane, Midol, Tylenol
Band Aids
sewing kit
mints and gum
nail clippers
nail file
clear and white polish for french manicure touch ups or panty hose rips!
hair spray
mouth wash
razor for those missed spots :)
baby wipes
brush and comb
hand sanitizer
lip gloss
baby power
face powder for touch ups
eye drops
cash and coins (you never know)
extra earring backs
stain remover
contact list (all vendors, wedding party, and parents)

Thank goodness I had them to take care of me and each other! I was worry free. And guess who was the master mind behind the Emergency Bag... none other then Parkway Coordinator, and my bridesmaid, Elizabeth Simon! This girl is good.
Don't have time to create your own bag? Order a Wedding Day Emergency Kit here.

What would you add to your Emergency Bag?


Anonymous said...

some other things i have got on my list are wrinkle out spray, extra comfy shoes, mirror, driving directions, and some super glue.

The Place said...

Super Glue! Absolutely. I could have used that too. Wrinkle release is another great idea. Thanks vanloon!

What about a sticky roller too? To get lint off your clothing. That would be helpful.

Soon 2 b Mrs. Ditmyer said...

This is a great idea. Another thing you could do is have "emergency baskets" in the bathroom for your guests. I went to a wedding at Cambridge and the bride did this. I loved it and even used the tide stain remover pen from it!